Al Khalil College Registration


Al Khalil college provides “ effective blend of traditional Islamic study with a thoroughly modern outlook which is forward-looking and celebrates the multi-cultural city of Glasgow.” (Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education)

If you would like your child to enroll into Al Khalil College then please complete the form below. To be completed by those with parental responsibility for the child.

* denotes required field
Autofill: Father Mother Brother Sister
If you already have an account and a password, you can skip this and leave it blank. Otherwise you should set your password now to login to the parent portal now.


 Student #1:
You can drag the Enrollment option choices up and down to re-order them in the order of your preference.
Add medical info/notes


You are the primary contact. You can add more contacts below.
Additional Contact #1
 Contact Name:
 Parent Portal Password:
 Alt. Mob.:

I/we apply for a place at Al Khalil College for him/her to become a pupil at the school with effect from the Admission Date specified above. I/we also accept that this application is subject to Al Khalil College's current admissions policy as of the date this application is received by the school. I/we recognise that there is no obligation on Al Khalil College to offer him/her a place at the school or accept him/her as a pupi

Furthermore, I/we also authorise his/her current school (named above) to confirm to the Headteacher whether all his/her fees have been paid to the said school and to disclose any relevant information on our child. I/we also authorise the Headteacher to disclose this application and authorisation to that current school

If Al Khalil College offers a place at the school to my/our child, then I/we understand that Al Khalil College will consider the offer as being declined if I/we do not accept by the deadline stated on the letter of offer

It is important, in the interest of the child, for the parent(s)/guardian(s) to advise the Headteacher of any disabilities, medical conditions or other circumstances which we should be made aware of and which may require him/her to be given special assistance at Al Khalil College.